The International Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Mass Communication opens

14 June 2024

Today, the scientific conference of the Faculty of Mass Communication at AAB College, “Information, media and truth in the era of post-truth and artificial intelligence”, which brought together as keynote speakers the two most well-known experts in the world in the field of communications, began its work.

In the opening of the conference, which was moderated by vice-rector Venera Llunji, the importance of organizing such scientific conferences at a time of rapid developments in the world was emphasized. She noted that AAB in partnership with the University of Tirana and the Institute of Communications of Greece thought to deepen the argument by gathering at this event.

Rector of AAB College Blerim Olluri welcomed the main speakers Prof. Mark Deuze and Prof. Dr. Lukasz Tomczyk, while talking about the many conferences organized by AAB College as one of the institution’s priorities.

“AAB does not organize general and multi-disciplinary conferences, but focused and interdisciplinary conferences. Focusing on a subject, as it is today, is a guarantee to maintain academic criteria, against today’s commercialism that occurs even with science. In this sense, I express my conviction that the proceedings of this conference and its conclusions will be an important academic contribution”, said Olluri.

The chairman of this conference, vice-rector Hasan Saliu, in his speech, expressed his happiness that they are holding this event while giving details about the participants and the topics involved.

“The topics we have chosen to discuss today are challenging but also important for our society. Therefore, as the chairman of this conference, I want to express my gratitude for your participation and the contributions you will make during your presentations on these important topics. I would like to point out that we have participants from various countries, including the Netherlands, Poland, Germany, United Kingdom, Nigeria, North Macedonia, Italy, France, Morocco, Croatia, India, Malaysia, Turkey, Albania, Montenegro, and last but not least, Kosovo. I want to express my gratitude to all those who contributed to the organization of this conference, to our partners, but also to those who did long hours of voluntary work in the organization of the conference”, added Saliu.

After the speeches, it was the turn of the keynote speakers who brought their sensational expertise in the field of communications to AAB. Professor Mark Deuze from the University of Amsterdam, spoke about his latest scientific findings in the book “Life in Media: A Global Introduction to Media Studies”, published months ago by the prestigious American university, MIT. The title of his presentation today was “Living a Good Life in the Media”.

While Prof. Dr. Lukasz Tomczyk, from the Jagiellonian University in Poland, spoke about “Creating false information online about teachers and the digital security of the school ecosystem”.

At the end, the keynote speakers were given the opportunity to ask questions from the attendees and discussions took place.

After the opening of the conference, its proceedings were developed with panels moderated by: Andrea Miconi, Katerina Spasovska, Silvana Neskovska, Loreta Axhami, Xhevahire Izmaku, Resul Sinani, Gazmend Abrashi and Venera Llunji.
