About Steering Council

According to the Statute of AAB College, the Steering Committee is the highest governing body of AAB College.

The Steering Committee consists of 11 (eleven) voting members and they are as following:

  • six members elected by the founder of AAB College;
  • three members elected by the Senate, consisting of the academic staff of AAB College;
  • a member elected by the Senate, among internationally recognized personalities;
  • the founder of the College is a permanent member of the Steering Committee.


The Rector and the Secretary-General are ex-officio members of the Steering Committee, without the voting right;

Upon the invitation of the Steering Committee, its meetings may be attended by the President of the Student Union or that of the Student Parliament, without the right to vote, when dealing with issues related to students.

The Steering Committee, by a majority of votes, may decide to increase the number of its members and to appoint personalities known as:

“HONORARY MEMBER” of the Steering Committee with full rights. Members of the Committee may not be elected;

The rector, vice-rectors, secretary-general, deans, vice-deans and members of the Senate.

In addition to the competencies provided by this regulation, the Steering Committee will also have the following competencies, but not limited to:


Approval of the mission and vision;

Approval of the strategic plan;

Efficient use of resources, capacities and preservation of the property of the Institution;

Decide on the establishment, dissolution and change of the internal structure of academic units and organizational units after consulting with the Senate, as well as decide on the opening and closing of its units in the centers of Kosovo according to the dynamics;

Decide on the general organizational structure of the academic units, upon the proposal of the Senate;

To elect the rector;

Decide on capital investments.