14 April 2020

Students of AAB College and the University of Tirana, today, have successfully completed the first online conference on “Communication in the time of Covid-19 pandemic “, which is the first of its kind between Albanians in terms of form, content and organizational circumstances. The students were mainly from the Master’s degree program in journalism, communications and public relations. They presented the results of their research of several weeks on the specifics of communications in the daily life of global isolation, the specifics of the work of journalists in pandemic times in Kosovo and Albania, on communication and political discourse in quarantine time, and also discussed fake news about Covid-19 as well as today’s communication transformation. The conference was chaired by the Vice Rector for Science at AAB College, Prof. Dr. Hasan Saliu. He presented some of the research questions and highly appreciated the commitment of students to organizations like these.

“The topic of this conference is current not only for today but also for tomorrow with the hope that this situation will end as soon as possible. The main research questions raised at this conference are how the media organizes their work in the time of general isolation, what are the specifics of reporting in pandemic time, how the media product is consumed today by the public at a time of added fake news, what is the role of technology in this time of transformations of traditional life, etc.” said the Vice Rector Mr. Saliu at the beginning of this online conference.

Meanwhile, the Rector of AAB College, Mr. Bujar Demjaha, congratulated all the participants of this conference, emphasizing that online communication at this stage is extremely important. He spoke about the challenges and difficulties caused by COVID-19 pandemic, stating that AAB College has successfully managed to respond to this situation through the application of the most sophisticated online platforms, as evidenced by this special conference.

After the Rector’s speech, the conference was divided into two panels, which continued in parallel and were chaired by Prof. Dr. Hasan Saliu and Prof. Dr. Resul Sinani. Students who were part of the conference in the near future will be certified for their participation and engagement through the research presented.
