28 June 2018

Following the cooperation agreements which AAB College is signing with all municipalities of Kosovo, today an inter-institutional cooperation agreement was reached with the Municipality of Suhareka.

This cooperation agreement foresees the promotion of quality education through joint activities, practical work for AAB College students in institutions / departments, directorates, agencies, school and preschool institutions of the Municipality of Suhareka, as well as visitations to these sites.

In return, AAB College will offer full scholarships for the best students of the Municipality of Suhareka, in any of the study programs.

The agreement was signed by the Vice Rector of AAB College, Shemsedin Vehapi and the Deputy Mayor of Suhareka, Mihrije Suka.

Vice Rector Vehapi thanked the Vice President Suka for the readiness expressed for cooperation with AAB College, saying that this institution will engage with all its capacities to ensure that this cooperation agreement finds the most successful implementation.

On the other hand, Vice President Suka thanked AAB College for creating the opportunity for cooperation and said that the Municipality of Suhareka will use the academic potential and all other opportunities offered by this institution which are in the interest of students and the citizens of this municipality.

AAB College, as the largest investment in Kosovo and beyond in the field of non-public higher education, has so far signed cooperation agreements with most of the municipalities of Kosovo, allowing its students to do their internships all across Kosovo.
