1 October 2018

With a solemn ceremony, AAB College, in its three branches, Prishtina, Ferizaj and Gjakova, today started the new academic year 2018/19, a day which united thousands of students in the premises of AAB College.

In the central manifestation, held at the AAB Theater “Faruk Begolli”, on the campus of AAB College in Prishtina, the rector of AAB College Prof. Dr. Lulzim Tafa, welcomed the new students, thanking them for entrusting their academic education to AAB College. He stressed that AAB College is not only the best non-public institution in the country, but is also a place of quality and proper professional and academic training.

“This day is important not only for you but also for all of us, because today you are at the precipice of a very important stage of your life. AAB College is not only the first institution established in Kosovo by the non-public sector, not only the largest institution, not only the institution with the highest degree of investment in the field of education but also the highest quality institution in Kosovo and beyond. This is what all the international rankings say.” said Rector Tafa.

Rector Tafa also added that AAB College is the most adequate place of study because of its diligent students, dedicated professors, as well as professional administrative staff.

“What makes a quality institution? Good students, good professors, and other dedicated technical and administrative staff, and none of them are missing at AAB College” said Rector Tafa.

Rector Tafa also emphasized that AAB College has already exceeded the local and regional expectations by working diligently in preparing students for the European market and beyond.

“AAB College is preparing its students for the European market, and that is beautiful. I want to tell you that regardless of the profession you have chosen, one thing is important: to approach the profession with dedication and love! Because, as Steve Jobs said, “The only way to do great work is to love what you do!” explained Rector Lulzim Tafa.

The president of the Kosovo Student Union, who is also a student at AAB College, Krenare Çerkini, wished the students a successful journey. 

Çerkini said that she had the opportunity to visit the best universities and colleges in the world as president of KSU, and without any doubt, AAB College is the top contender in terms of quality, infrastructure and conditions offered to students. She stressed that this was also said by the President of the European Students’ Union, who shared these opinions during their visit to Kosovo and AAB College.

Ceremonial receptions for the new students were also organized today in the other two branches of AAB College, in Ferizaj and Gjakova.

AAB College will start the lectures for the first-year students on October 8, 2018, and for the second, third-, and fourth-year students, the lectures will start on October 2, 2018.

We wish all students health and success in the new academic year 2018/19!
