NOTICE: September exams delayed due to new measures against Covid-19

13 September 2021

Dear students and staff of AAB College,

We would like to inform you that based on the decision of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo 01/35 on the application of the new measures against Covid-19, dated 12 September 2021, AAB College has taken the following actions:

Delay the September exams until September 27, 2021

If the situation with covid improves and anti-covid measures are relaxed as a result, the exams will continue on September 27, 2021

You will find the new exam schedule published on the website and in the e-service

If the covid-19 measures remain strict even after September 26, the exams will be held online and you will be notified beforehand.

In the meantime, we have attached the decision of the Government of Kosovo on the application of new anti-Covid-19 measures. We ask that you respect and strictly adhere to the implemented measures.

We specifically want to highlight point 23 of the decision:

23. Students in public and private university institutions must possess any of the items mentioned in points 2.1 to 2.4, in order to be allowed to enter the institution.


2.1. Vaccination certificate for complete or partial vaccination from COVID-19;
2.2. RT-PCR negative test for COVID-19, not older than 72 hours;
2.3. Evidence that the person has recovered from COVID-19 (positive RT-PCR test issued for no less than 21 days and not more than 180 days or positive result of serological antibody test – IgG, issued no later than 30 days ago;
2.4. Rapid negative antigen test not older than 48 hours.

Dear students,

We call on you once again to consider the most important step in order to protect against Covid-19—VACCINATION.

VACCINATE to protect yourself and those around you!
VACCINATE to continue your studies without worries and hurdles!

We wish you all health and thank you for your cooperation!
