“AAB Autumn Book Fair 2022” – commemorating the life and work of the writer Ali Podrimja

14 October 2022

On the 80th anniversary of the birth of the great writer Ali Podrimja, and the 40th anniversary of the publication of the masterpiece “Lum Lumi”, his contribution to the literary field has been appreciated by valuing the work he left behind.

As part of the Autumn Book Fair at AAB College, one of the greatest poets, Ali Podrimja, was commemorated, and the guests had great words of gratitude for him. On the 40th anniversary of the publication of his masterpiece “Lum Lumi”, it was cherished as the embodiment of the pain and challenges that the writer had gone through, from performers, friends and researchers of his works.

The professor of AAB College, Bujar Tafa, who has dealt with the interpretation of the poetic book “Lum lumi” in his book “Biografemat dhe idiografemat”, described it as an extraordinary piece of work, adding that great poets are remembered through their work. He said that Podrimja immortalized his sad fate through poetry. Meanwhile, Ali Podrimja’s friend who has been analyzing “Lum lumi”, the poet Naime Beqiraj, said that with this work the author had created his own poetic identity. The professor of AAB College, Ilire Zajmi, remembered the last meeting with Ali Podrimja, where they had participated together in the poetry festival, and until the moment when the poet was found dead. Zajmi said that only poets like Podrimja knew how to live and die as he died.

Actors Shkëlzen Veseli and Xhejlane Tërbunja interpreted some of the poems of “Lum Lumi”, which moved the attendees.

The writer Ali Podrimaj has also been immortalized in the AAB College, where the international prize for literature is awarded in his name every year.
