Agim Vinca, poet and researcher receives ‘’Honorary Professor’’ title by AAB College on his 77th birthday

22 May 2024

Today, AAB College organized a special ceremony on the occasion of the birthday of the poet and researcher Agim Vinca, honoring him with the “Honorary Professor” title.

The ceremony was held at the Chamber’s Theater of AAB College, where the contribution and important role of Mr. Vinca was appreciated for what he has given to education, culture and science. The vice-rector of AAB College, while moderating this event, described Mr. Vinca as a beacon of knowledge and inspiration, adding that his contributions to education and literature have left an indelible mark not only in academic circles but also beyond. The rector of AAB College Blerim Olluri, in his opening speech, greeted the attendees and said that the institution gives reserved evaluations to individuals with exceptional merit, while he mentioned the outstanding personalities who have received the title of “Honorary Professor” so far.

“Professor Vinca, by awarding you “Professor Honoris Causa” title, we recognize not only your extraordinary literary talent, but also your great contribution to education as well as your unwavering commitment to the search for truth, beauty and justice. By receiving this title, you also honor us as colleagues and as an institution, where you also contributed as a professor, but also as a board member”, said Rector Olluri.

The well-known poet Lulzim Tafa brought some of the most beautiful memories he has with Mr. Vinca as a friend of his, but also a distinguished figure in the field of poetry. He quoted several verses and said that his voice was loud and powerful even when it was difficult to speak. And his figure was described by Mr. Tafa as multidimensional with distinct features.

Professor Bedri Zyberaj summarized Agim Vinca’s profile as a lecturer and researcher of literature. He remembered the times when Mr. Vinca received “Professor” title, up to his sensational activity that is honored even today.

Mr. Vinca greeted everyone who was present at the Chamber’s Theater and remembered the establishment of AAB College, until now as a giant in the field of education.

“My connections with AAB are early and I can say that I am also a co-founder of the institution, which today has turned into a giant thanks to the work and dedication of the staff and the head”, he said.

He also shared his experience as a professor at AAB College, where he added that he always insisted that students have three elements: knowledge, culture and ethos, because according to him they are the most important for the formation of human character.

At the end of the ceremony, the rector of AAB College Blerim Olluri and poet Lulzim Tafa, awarded the title of “Honorary Professor” to Mr. Vinca with the motive: “For the contribution to education, culture and science, as well as for exceptional merits for international art and literature”.

In this event, there were recitations of the author’s poems by artists Fitnete Tuda, Arta Lahu and Alban Zogaj, accompanied by guitarist Riad Ramadani, as well as old Albanian songs by Ermal Demiri.
