Special lectures with ambassadors accredited in our country continue for master level students of the Faculty of Public Administration, within the modules of History of Diplomacy and Foreign Policy.
The next honored guest lecturer was the Ambassador of Switzerland in Kosovo, Mr. Thomas Kolly, who shared with our students the history of the Swiss state, and Switzerland’s attitudes to foreign policy.
Speaking about the diplomatic relations between Switzerland and Kosovo, Swiss Ambassador Kolly stressed that Switzerland has a very special relationship with Kosovo, which has influenced Switzerland to be one of the first countries to recognize Kosovo as an independent country.
“It is also in our (Switzerland’s) interest to have this cooperation. This is not a one-sided process, it goes in both directions, because we as Switzerland also benefit from this symbiotic relationship, so it is in our interest to have a close relationship with Kosovo and we are very happy about that.” stressed Kolly.
He also spoke about the successes and achievements of Kosovo Albanians in Switzerland, where he stressed that in the past there was great interest in emigrating due to economic conditions. Today, we can connect Switzerland with Kosovo through Ylfete Fanaj, who is an Albanian from Kosovo and the President of the Council of the Canton of Lucerne.
The Ambassador of Switzerland in Kosovo, Mr. Thomas Kolly, before his lecture, was received by the Vice Rectors Shemsedin Vehapi and Venera Llunji, who informed him about the history, development and goals of AAB College.