Call for participation in the third alumni scientific conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics

27 July 2023

AAB College, as a higher non-public educational institution, pays special importance to the acquisition of new knowledge, namely research. The Faculty of English at AAB College, in partnership with the University of Tirana and the University of Durrës, organizes the “Third ALUMNI Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics”. This annual activity aims to bring together young researchers in the studies of linguistics, literature and didactics who are graduates of higher educational institutions in the region.

The conference is held on November 18 in the premises of AAB College and online via Google Meet platform. Online participation applies only to those who are outside Kosovo and therefore cannot participate physically.

The deadline for submitting abstracts is November 10, 2023.

All those interested can send their abstracts to [email protected].
