Events of June 2022

4 January 2023

Find below the activities that marked the month of June 2022 at AAB College:

AAB Publishing House participates with over 70 titles in the Book Fair in Pristina

Prof. Lulzim Tafa is honored with the title Doctor “Honoris Causa” in Ukraine

The preparatory school for the 2021/22 matriculation test, organized by AAB College, successfully starts

Faculty of Computer Sciences of AAB College co-organizer of the First International Conference on Innovation in Business and Technology

AAB College concludes the scientific project funded by the Ministry of Education “Online Children in Kosovo”

The activities of the awareness project “Be a friend, not a bully” are launched

AAB College co-organizer of the XV European Congress “The end of the pandemic and the emergencies after it”

AAB College triumphs in the competitions organized by the University Sports Federation of Kosovo
