Faculty of Nursing students are being trained through professional practice at UCCK

13 April 2019

Students of AAB College’s Nursing Faculty, in addition to the experiences they receive from local and international lecturers during classes, are also taking advantage of the opportunities of cooperation that AAB College has with the University Clinical Center of Kosovo.

The students are practicing the Nursing profession and are divided into groups to perform professional practice in various medical clinics near the UCCK.

During this period of them doing their practical work they were visited by the vice-dean of the Faculty of Nursing, Shqipe Tahiri and representatives of the German clinic SANA Kliniken AG.

Together, they met with Director of Nursing at UCCK, Mr. Lirije Beqiri and talked about the profession of nursing in Kosovo. Even though the students of AAB College’s Faculty of Nursing are a target of German employment clinics, their commitment to continue working as a nurse in Kosovo is not neglected, where some of them are at the end of their nursing internship, while others have only just started their internships and are providing professional services.

The week we left behind, another 60 students from AAB College have renewed employment contracts and continue their work in Germany until March 2020.
