H.E Prime minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti welcomes to a meeting the students of AAB College

22 May 2024

Students from the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Public Administration, together with the vice-rector of AAB College Venera Llunji, the director of QAPI Diana Qarkaxhija, the head of the Career Center Jehona Rukovci and professor Blinera Veliu, have held a meeting with the Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti.

In addition to Prime Minister Kurti, the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Bardhyl Dobra and the Prime Minister’s political adviser Blerta Avdili were also present at the meeting.

In the meeting with Mr. Kurti, it was discussed about the digitalization of public administration, professional practices and employment in public enterprises and institutions, based on meritocracy.

The importance of this process in the improvement of public services and the efficiency of the administration was also discussed.

Mr. Kurti and his team were open and willing to share their knowledge and experiences with the students, offering valuable advice to each of them.
