Professor from Japan Yuji Yamada delivers lecture at AAB College

20 June 2024

To discuss about the culture and history of ninjas in Japan, Professor Yuji Yamada has delivered a lecture at AAB College, within the framework of cooperation with the Embassy of Japan in Kosovo.

A large number of students participated in this attractive lecture, while they saw the presentation that Mr. Yamada brought for them.

The rector of AAB College, Blerim Olluri, thanked all the participants in the lecture, while he appreciated the continuous cooperation with the Embassy of Japan.

“The cooperation between our institution and the embassy has been exemplary and today this cooperation marks another wonderful step in our partnership. We are honored to host Professor Yuji Yamada for his lecture “Unmasking the Ninja”. This event demonstrates our commitment to fostering international collaboration and academic exchange. It also emphasizes the rich cultural ties between Japan and Kosovo”, said Olluri.

The presentation by Professor Yamada included detailed explanations of what ninjas are, the beginnings of the use of this term, their first appearance, etc. He also spoke to those present about the use of the term “ninja” in the world, such as in films, series or various media spaces.
