Symposium II “Integrated approach to health and health education” is taking place in AAB College

11 April 2018

As part of the International Health Day marking, AAB College, respectively the Faculty of Nursing, Dentistry, Radiology and Psychology, in cooperation with the AAB Institute and the Kosovo Nurses Chamber have organized II Symposium titled “Integrated approach to health and health education”.

The opening of the symposium was done by the deputy rector of AAB College, Shemsedin Vehapi, who said that health and well-being are multi-dimensional problems which, to be treated properly, require the interdisciplinary approach that AAB College always practices, and as evidence is exactly this Symposium that has gathered such large number of participants.

The works of the Symposium were greeted by prof. dr. Luan Jaha, advisor of Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj, who stressed that the Government of Kosovo will be committed to improving the situation in the health sector as a direct institutional support for health workers.

On behalf of the Minister of Health, Mrs. Fetije Huruglica also spoke about the case, which said that health professionals are the main link in the health system. Therefore, the Ministry of Health based on health legislation reforms is also working on strengthening the role of nurses.

The dean of the Faculty of Nursing at AAB College, prof. Idriz Sopjani, at the opening of the Symposium, also underlined the successes of the Nursing Faculty within a short period of time at AAB College, adding that faculties are at all times in counseling and conversation with various nursing experts on how the following nurses should be as prepared.
