The Faculty of Economics of the University of Prishtina joined by two doctors of science, former students of AAB College

19 June 2019

As the largest non-public institution in the country, apart from the culminating achievements in the various fields of education, AAB College’s attention and support is also directed at the advancement of academic staff.

About 90% of AAB College’s staff have academic titles and doctorate degrees, and recently Dr. Sc. Gëzim Shabani and Dr. Sc. Kosovare Ukshini have joined the fold.

What distinguishes these two young doctors from the others is the fact that both have completed bachelor and master studies at AAB College. Gezim Shabani, the first doctor of science to complete his Bachelor and Master studies at AAB, completed his doctoral studies at St. Kliment Ohridski in North Macedonia.  

With the dissertation on the topic “The impact of the promotional function of tourism agencies for the development of tourism in Kosovo”, Shabani successfully defended before a commission consisting of Prof. Dr. Sofronia Milladinoski – President, Prof. Dr. Simona Martinoska – mentor, Prof. Dr. Katerina Angelevska – member, Prof. Dr. Lidija Simoncevka – Member and Prof. Dr. Baki Koleci – member. 

While Kosovare Ukshini, who besides bachelor and master studies at AAB College, has also been engaged as an assistant at the Faculty of Economics, completed her PhD studies at South East European University. 

Ukshini defended her dissertation on “Contributing Small and Medium Enterprises to Increasing Employment in Kosovo – Supportive Policies and Effects,” under the tutorship of Prof. Dr. Izet Zeqiri, and under the leadership of the committee consisting of, Prof. Dr. Rufi Osmani, Prof. Hyrije Abazi, Prof. Gaddafi Rexhepi and Prof. Veland Ramadani.

Meanwhile, dozens of former AAB students are in the process of completing doctoral studies at home and abroad.
