Two of the world’s most known personalities in the field of communications are key note speakers at the AAB College scientific conference on June 14

12 June 2024

“Information, media and truth in the era of post-truth and artificial intelligence”, the scientific conference of the Faculty of Mass Communication will be held at AAB College, where the main speakers will be the most important personalities in the field of communications worldwide.

Mark Deuze, one of the most eminent scientific authorities in the world in the field of media and communications, is one of the main speakers of this conference. He will talk about his latest scientific findings included in the book “Life in Media: A Global Introduction to Media Studies”.

In addition to Deuze, the keynote speaker at this conference is Professor Lukasz Tomczyk, ranked among the most influential scientists in the world, who will address the topic of “Creation of false information on the Internet for teachers and the digital security of the ecosystem of school”.
