USAID Kosovo and Commercial Court judge hold information session on commercial law program at AAB College

15 May 2024
USAID Kosovo and the judge of the Commercial Court hold an informative session on the Commercial Justice program at the AAB College

To inform the students of the Faculty of Law and Economics about the program implemented by USAID for Commercial Law, an information session was held today at AAB College, organized by the Career Center.

The guests of this session were: USAID Kosovo communication specialist Alketa Balaj, the head of the first objective in the USAID Commercial Law program Bardha Tahiri and the judge of the Chambers of the First Instance – Department of Economic Affairs in the Commercial Court, Hasan Kryeziu.

During the lecture, the guests shared information about the Commercial Court in Kosovo, its departments, administrative issues, chambers and its activities.

The students who were present in large numbers posed various questions to the guests, ranging from the handling of the cases presented in this court, the legal basis of the cases, to the safety of the parties, the objectives of the court and discussions relevant to their profession as lawyers.

This session served as an opportunity for students to be aware of the reforms in justice with the representatives who are key in these processes, as well as to be informed about the Commercial Court in particular.
