Vice-rector Venera Llunji and director of CPTI Diana Qarkaxhija participate in the conference organized by Kadri Zeka University – Gjilan

18 June 2024

Kadri Zeka University in Gjilan has organized a conference where the vice-rector of AAB College Venera Llunji and the director of the Center for Professional Training and Innovation (QAPI) Diana Qarkaxhija were also invited.

Llunji, spoke on behalf of AAB emphasizing the role of the institution and the contribution made in the scientific and social aspects for the country.

Among other things, she also mentioned the importance of higher education institutions in general in modern times, along with the challenges they go through.

While Qarkaxhija held a meeting with the vice-rector for Academic Development and Quality Voglushe Kurteshi, to talk about joint training between the academic and administrative staff from the two institutions.
