Freshmen of the new academic year 2023/24 of AAB College are welcomed in a solemn ceremony

6 October 2023
The freshmen of the new academic year 2023/24 of AAB College are welcomed with a solemn ceremony

Through a solemn ceremony organized by AAB College, the freshmen who will start the new academic year 2023/24 were welcomed. They have already made their choice in fields of study, while the rector of AAB College Lulzim Tafa welcomed them through several special messages.

“This day is not only important for you but for all of us, because you are starting the key stage of student life and you are doing this with us. From today your name and that of AAB College are united. The road to success is not easy, it takes a lot of work, effort and sacrifice. Our job is to prepare staff for the labor market not only in Kosovo, but in the regional and global market. In addition to lessons, studies are also experienced, so don’t hesitate to enjoy the student life in the relaxing facilities of the college”, said rector Tafa.

To seal and clearly show the influence and role of students in our institution, through a speech Gent Anadolli, the president of the Students’ Union, showed the way to be followed.

“The place where you will experience challenges and successes, you will find mentors who will inspire you throughout your educational journey is exactly AAB College. Explore every opportunity and every challenge in academic life, therefore become demanding towards the academic and administrative staff and cooperate with your colleagues”, said Gent.

That the success of the graduated students and the space for them in AAB College even after their studies is one of the principles of the institution, confirmed the author, producer and moderator on ATV television and assistant in the Faculty of Law of AAB College Flaka Vitaku.

Flaka motivated the students to fight for their dreams and show the right dedication.

“I am still part of the big family of AAB College, as one of the principles of the institution is to keep diligent students close. And I wish you success, a lot of work and in this regard, AAB will never be forgotten by you, you will always end up rewarded”.

In this ceremony, there was also artistic performance from the former student of AAB College, now a well-known singer, Arbër Krasniqi, who entertained the attendees.

After the ceremony, the students met the deans of the faculties to see the halls where the lectures will be held, which will start on October 7 for Saturday students and for regular students on October 9, 2023.

From today, AAB College is your fellow traveler on the academic path, success and health, our dear students!
