Viktorija Čeplikė from SMK College of Lithuania delivers lecture for students of the Faculty of Arts

15 May 2024
Viktorija Čeplikė from SMK College Lithuania holds a lecture for the students of the Faculty of Arts

In the International Staff Week that is being held at AAB College, lectures by professors from international universities have continued.

The students of the Faculty of Arts were part of the lecture held by Professor Viktorija Čeplikė, from the SMK College of Applied Sciences in Lithuania.

The topic of the lecture was “Smooth production planning in Fashion”, for which Čeplikė shared her experiences as the head of a manufacturing company for 15 consecutive years.

She presented the “Smooth production plan” to the students, telling them in detail about what they should do as fashion designers in the future.

Students had several questions for the professor from Lithuania, while following the plan that they can apply to their profession.
