Prof. ass. dr.

Venera Kabashi – Llunji

Vice Rector for International Affairs

Venera (Kabashi) Llunji was born on 12 December 1968 in Prishtina. 
She graduated at the Faculty of Philology, Department of English Language and Literature and received her Masters Degree from the University of Calgary, Canada. 

She completed a specialization on Contemporary Teaching Methods and Methodology in Bournemouth, Great Britain; another specialization on the Development Program on Leadership and Management and the specialization on European Integration at the European Integration School. 

She finished her first PhD studies at the European University of Tirana, Albania and defended her PhD thesis titled: “Nationalism as an ideology in the programs of Albanian political parties in Kosovo after the declaration of its independence“. 

She completed her second PhD studies in the South East European University (SEEU) in Macedonia, at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Culture and Communication titled: “Morphological, syntactic and semantic aspects of adjectives: Comparison between Albanian translation and its original English source”.

She has been working as a professor at the University of Prishtina since 1991 and AAB College since its foundation. 

During the years 2002-2005 she was a Political Adviser to the minister of Education, Science and Technology, and was appointed a Political Adviser to the minister of Foreign Affairs in April 2008-2010. 

Venera Llunji was a member of the Association for Human Rights and Freedom seated in Frankfurt/Germany, branch in Prishtina during 1992-1999, a member of the working group of OSCE in the process of monitoring projects on the development of Provisional Institutions of Self-Government of Kosovo and projects on the implementation of Standards for Kosovo based on the Resolution 1244, member of the working group with the project on Public Administration Reform capacity-building in the South-Eastern Countries, member of the coordinating group with the UNIFEM Action Plan for the achievement of gender equality in Kosovo. In 2005, she became an Honorary Citizen of Calgary, Canada.

She participated in a number of international and regional conferences and published research papers in different scholarly journals in the region and beyond. She translated three political books: “We deserve Independence”, “Republic of Kosovo” and “Poisoning- a Modern Genocide”. 

She was Dean of the English Language Faculty from the year 2014 until 2018. 

Currently, she is Vice-rector for International Affairs and Cooperation at AAB College.

She lives in Prishtina. She is married with two children.