The Second International Online Scientific Conference will be held on Saturday at AAB College

21 October 2021

“Europeanization, Western orientation and identity formation in the Western Balkan countries” is the title of the Second International Scientific Conference to be held at AAB College, in an online format.

This conference will be attended by over 100 participants, who, divided into 11 separate panels will present their research work in 75 papers which have been approved by the Scientific Committee of the conference.

Organizational partners of the conference are universities and important educational and research institutions, such as the University of Bologna which is the oldest university in Europe, the Pedagogical University of Krakow-Poland, CEUTTSS (Center for European Union, Transatlantic and Trans-European Space Studies), Aleksandër Moisiu University from Albania, St. Kliment Ohridski University from Northern Macedonia, IBCM (International Business College – Mitrovica), Albanian Institute of Sociology, etc..

The conference aims to examine the issues of Europeanization, Western orientation and identity building from a broad perspective which includes the scientific knowledge of researchers from various academic and scientific fields. In this aspect, important will be the role of keynote speakers, who are going to participate in the plenary session, coming from prestigious universities in the world, such as: Prof. dr. Raymond Detrez, Ghent University from Belgium, Prof. dr. Pal Kolsto, University of Oslo from Norway, Prof. dr. Ines Aquile Junyent, Catalonia University from Spain, and Prof. assoc. dr. Besnik Pula, Virginia Tech, from the United States.

All participating papers of the conference will be included in the Book of Abstracts, while the best papers are going to be selected and published in a special issue of the International Scientific Journal of AAB College “Thesis”.
