The latest issue of the International Scientific Journal THESIS was published

11 December 2015


The latest number of the International Research Journal THESIS, was published with an ISSN and International Board, a publication of AAB College.

In this issue you may read scientific studies and important professional papers from the field of linguistics, methods, architecture, etc., of local and foreign authors.

THESIS Journal, is published twice a year, while the year before a thematic number was also published which included papers from International Scientific Conference for communication and media studies, “Global Information facing national cultures “. This Conference was organised from the Faculty of Mass Communication of AAB College in collaboration with the  Department of Journalism and Communication of the University of Tirana, Ecole Superieure de Journalisme of Paris (the oldest school of journalism in the world) and IPAG Business School of Paris, which was held on 29-30th of May 2015, at the AAB College in Prishtina.

The latest issue of the journal may be obtained at the library and bookshop of AAB, and you may also read it on the official website of AAB College.
