Leonore Delija is the beneficiary of the Students Exchange program at the University of Bremmen and London

21 January 2015

Leonore Delija, is the only one from the students of AAB that benefited from the agreement that this institution concluded with prestigious universities in region and Europe. As the student of the second year in the Faculty of Economy, she had the opportunity to attend the fourth semester at the University of Bremen, in the Republic of Germany. Leonora also benefited from the university cooperation whereby she attendet a professional training at the University of London, the London School of Economics, as well as Royal Halloway.

After she completed the semester and the mentioned visits, Leonora returns in Prishtina and continues the Bachelor studies, and immediately after graduation, the AAB has offered her the opportunity of employment.

Today, Leonore Delija, is advanced at work, she holds the position of the Head of Students Service in the Faculty of Ecomony and English Language, in Prishtina campus. She is at the end of Master studies.
