Kosovare Ukshini: AAB had a positive impact on my position in society

23 December 2014

Kosovare Ukshini, after completing Bachelor studies, as an outstanding student she was awarded with a scholarship to continue Master studies in the Faculty of Economy at AAB. She graduated with the thesis “Motivimi dhe faktorët e motivimit në punë – me theks të veçantë në NVM-të në Komunën e Gjakovës”.

After completing Master studies, she commenced Doctorate studies and she also is employed in the Faculty of Economy at AAB, as a regular assistant-professor. “After my graduation, AAB provided me with the opportunity to develop my career, by providing me opportunity to engage as a regular assistant-professor in the Faculty of Economy. AAB awarded me the scholarship to continue my Master studies, and it was the cause to continue my Doctorate studies. Now I am in the second year”, said Kosovare Ukshini, for the magazine “Alumni AAB”.
