Summary of the successes of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports of AAB College

25 January 2022

Physical activity plays an important role in the life of everyone, therefore the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports at AAB College aims to train its staff as trainers and methodologists of physical culture who will meet the high needs of sports at all levels.

The main goal of this faculty is for students to be able to independently lead, compile, and implement the learning and training process in all schools, including sports schools.

Below you can find some of the successes that have characterized this faculty last year:

  1. Had the Fitness and Nutrition program at the Master level accredited for the first time in Kosovo.
  2. Held Sports Science Conference in partnership with 16 local and international institutions.
  3. Held International Webinar Sports Diplomacy in promoting the state of Kosovo
  4. 13 students attended the trainings and were certified for PLAYDAGOGY by play4international.
  5. Signed agreements with the Kosovo Olympic Committee, Sports Medicine Center, Kosovo Body-Building & Fitness Federation, Kosovo Badminton Federation, Step Sport Center.
