The collective student exhibition of the Faculty of Social Sciences opens

24 May 2023
The collective student exhibition of the Faculty of Social Sciences opens

The collective student exhibition of the Faculty of Social Sciences with the title “Nothing is difficult when you are preoccupied with knowledge” has been officially opened. This exhibition summarizes the themes and experiences that advance cultural development, the substantial development of art as well as trends for an educational and intellectual future.

The curator of this exhibition, Eroll Murati, at the same time a professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the AAB College, thanked the students for participating in this organization, while he said that through it, their talents in this field were distinguished. The dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Saranda Shatri, added that engaging students in such activities that are related to their field of study is the best initiative they can undertake.

Participants in this exhibition are: Rrezarta Gashi, Florena Defqa, Kanita Bislimi, Erza Abdullahu, Shkurte Imeri, Eltona Thaqi, Erjona Thaqi, Mimoza Thaqi, Bleona Geci, Agnes Qamili, Florentinë Selishta, Anduena Frangu, Besime Asllan Dinçili. The exhibition will be open until May 27, you are welcome!
