6 June 2018

In order to develop inter-institutional cooperation in accordance with common interests, AAB College and the Municipality of Istog signed cooperation agreements in areas that help each other.

Both institutions, through this agreement signed by the Vice Rector for Science of AAB College, Mr. Hasan Saliu and the mayor of Istog, Mr. Haki Rugova, agree to cooperate in the future in various initiatives to promote quality education through joint activities.

This cooperation agreement also gives AAB College students the opportunity to do their practical work in institutions / departments, directorates, agencies, school and preschool institutions of the Municipality of Istog, as well as allowing visits to the aforementioned places.

AAB College, with this agreement, will offer full scholarships for the best students of the Municipality of Istog in any of its study programs, as well as offer other support in areas that are in the common inter-institutional interest.

We recall that AAB College, as the largest investment in Kosovo and beyond in the field of non-public higher education, has so far signed cooperation agreements with several municipalities and many other local and international institutions and organizations.
