8 June 2018

AAB College students coming from the Municipality of Kaçanik will have another opportunity to complete their professional internship. This is because today AAB College and the Municipality of Kaçanik have signed inter-institutional cooperation agreements in fields that help each other.

Both institutions, through this agreement signed by the Vice Rector of AAB College, Mr. Shemsedin Vehapi and the mayor of Kaçanik, Mr. Besim Ilazi, agree to cooperate in the future in various initiatives to promote quality education through joint activities.

Vice Rector Vehapi thanked the President Ilazi for the readiness expressed for cooperation with AAB College, saying that this institution will engage with all its capacities to ensure that this cooperation agreement finds the most successful implementation.

On the other hand, President Ilazi thanked AAB College for creating the opportunity for cooperation and said that the municipality he leads will always be ready and will respond positively to the initiatives and projects of AAB that are in the best interest of students of the Municipality of Kaçanik.

The director of the Directorate of Education and Culture in the Municipality of Kaçanik, Zahir Doda, was also present at the signing of this agreement.

This cooperation agreement also gives AAB College students the opportunity to do their practical work in institutions / departments, directorates, agencies, school and preschool institutions of the Municipality of Kaçanik.

Through this agreement, AAB College will offer full scholarships to the best students of the Municipality of Kaçanik in any of its study programs.

It is worth mentioning that AAB College, as the largest investment in Kosovo and the region, in the field of non-public higher education, has so far signed cooperation agreements with most municipalities in Kosovo.
