AAB Teacher Albin Xharra Publishes First Book on Montage in Albanian

13 January 2020

Students of the Faculty of Mass Communication who study media, but also those involved in film arts, will now find it easier to learn the theoretical aspect of montage through the first Albanian-language book on it by Albin Xharra.

Teacher Albin Xharra, who has extensive professional experience in the field of editing, has published the book “Editing: The Secret Art of Film”, a book dedicated to students and professionals in the field.

The book gives detailed explanations on montage as one of the indispensable aspects in film and media, ranging from history, rules of use, its types, rhythm, correct and wrong actions to take, and many other complementary elements.

The book’s editor is a well-known BaH professor, Zijad Mehic. Students and other interested parties can find the book in the library of AAB College.
