“Same as you are “an awareness videofrom students of Psychology Faculty about the Down syndrome

22 March 2017

During the marking day of 21 March, the International Day of people with Down syndrome, the students of the Faculty of Psychology of the AAB College launched an awareness video which aims to inform all the differences and similarities that people affected by this syndromedo have. Video aims to show that in fact individuals with Down syndrome are more like us rather than different!

The awareness video “Same as you are”, shows the commitment of the students and staff of the Faculty of Psychology of the AAB College to contribute to this field of society.

In this context, the Faculty of Psychology and AAB Theatre “FarukBegolli” also organized a play for children “Two dreaming mammals”, which will be given especially for affected children with Down syndrome, part of Handikos organization.

You may see the video of the Faculty of Psychology “Same as you are” at: ndiqni këtu.

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