CPTI and the Faculty of Social Sciences organize training on June 7 and 8

29 May 2023
QAPI and the Faculty of Social Sciences organize trainings on June 7 and 8

Starting from June 7 and 8, trainings will be organized for fourth-year students from the Center for Professional Training and Innovation and the Faculty of Social Sciences of AAB College. The training’s fee is 10 euros for students of the Faculty of Social Sciences of AAB College. Interested students can register to follow a training through the electronic registration that you will find on the website of AAB College. You must first apply via link: https://zhps-qapi.aab-edu.net/, then you will receive an email notifying you that the training application has been successfully completed.

Payments must be made to the bank account: “CENTER FOR PROFESSIONAL TRAINING AND INNOVATION” at PriBank Sha. with number 2410130500000776, with the description “payment for training, name and surname”. The payment must then be submitted as a physical copy to the CPTI office no later than one day before the training or via email: [email protected] no later than two days before the training date.

For questions, candidates can contact [email protected] and [email protected]

Participation is limited!
