
The mission of the Faculty of Law is to strive for excellence in educating professionals in the field of law, through student centred approaches and advanced teaching and learning methodologies, enabling students to respond to new legal challenges in an evolving society. The Faculty engages in generating new knowledge through scientific research activities and identifying practical issues, and thus contributes to improving the functioning of the legal system and promoting positive changes of the society in Kosovo and beyond.

The Faculty of Law aims to achieve this mission through a commitment to lifelong learning, providing transformative and innovative learning experiences and teaching methodologies, and providing skills that enable students to navigate and effectively use vast amounts of information made available by new technologies.
In addition, the Faculty of Law aims to develop the personality of students, engaging them in various discussions related to social and ethical issues and social responsibility. The Faculty of Law promotes the participation and engagement of students in improving the learning process, thus contributing to building leadership skills, cooperation, and responsibility towards others.