General Law

Aim and program profile

Law studies in Kosovo have a relatively long tradition, whereas at the meantime the interest of the youth for this profile, along with the demands of the market are still current and coherent. On the other side, political developments have brought out administrative changes and a re-organization of the public administration and other services related to law as a study field, thus maintaining a top need for well prepared staff, qualified staff and staff that is informed on European trends and more, in developments in the legal science and experience.
In this context, the academic institution AAB with its teaching scientific, infrastructural and logistic potential, aims and achieves to fulfil its mission and aim, through a contemporary teaching and learning approach, to equip students of this direction with information, experiences and innovations in the legal research field, in order for these students, after their graduation from four year studies, to be able to conduct duties in conformity with the mandate and work in the institutions where they work.

Expected learning outcomes

• Use of advanced knowledge in the filed of justice/law, including a critical approach on the law and principles of justice in general;
• Application of a critical approach and of basic law principles, in the everyday work or in the further education of the future law graduate;
• Advanced legal operational skills in the field of the functioning of trade corporations and associations;
• Comparison and assessment of various legal systems and the need of harmonizing legislations within the specific local context;
• Implementation of defined research project in the sphere of law implementation and its contribution in the strengthening of rule of law;
• Judgement in delicate situations, between human rights and the legal norm;
• Assuming decision-making responsibilities in the consequent implementation of the law and practical application of basic ethical-professional principles;
• Cooperation with others to provide change, enrichment and development of new ideas in the field of development and implementation of the law.

Academic level and degree

Law Bachelor- General Law

Duration of studies and workload

Studies in the General Law Program last for 4 years, 240 ECTS credits throughout a total of 8 semesters. Each semester must fulfil the quota of 30 ECTS. All of these programs create an opportunity for continuing the master studies, which is a 1 year program or with 60 ECTS.

Year I

Introduction to Law/ Origins of Law 12 ETCS

The subject Introduction to Law/Origins of Law provides students the basic and essential knowledge about the common characteristics and features of the state and law, as well as their mutual relevance and impact, respectively associated with the essential notions and phenomena in addition to state and legal regulation aspects. Moreover, in a principled fashion, it elaborates the basic concepts of other concrete legal sciences which are further elaborated in scope and depth in other legal subjects.

History of the state and the law 12 ETCS

Course, History of State and Law; Most important schools in the development of the history of law; Legal-historical sources and monuments; The state and Law in the period of slavery; The most important legal and state institutions in the countries of the Ancient East and in Ancient Greek states, in Byzantium, in Illyria; City-states in Feudalism; The state and liberal and contemporary law; Albanian feudal principalities and legal and state institutions; The Independent Albanian state.

Constitutional Law 12 ETCS

The subject and methods of study of constitutional law; Sources of constitutional law; Constitution as a political and legal act of the state; Emergence of the constitution and its development in the world; Constitutionality and legality; Freedoms and rights of man and citizen: the electoral system; State and state governance bodies; Emergence and development of federalism in the world.

Foreign Language 12 ETCS

Terminology aspects related to the following topics: Understanding the state and the subject of study; State and its elements; Methods of study, crime; Criminal sanctions and other measures; Marriage; Divorce; Property; Relation between state and law with other social phenomena; Last Will and Testament and inheritance conflict of law, etc.

Academic Writing 4 ETCS

Understanding the subject of Methodology of Law and Academic Writing; The basic principles of academic writing, the writing process, stages of writing, organization and planning, first copy, first paragraph, review, the final version, mode of expression, functional writing, citations of sources and bibliography, letters and other correspondence, keeping records, writing the summary, agenda and minutes.

Introduction to Economy 4 ETCS

Subject and methods of economics; The evolution of economic thought, the productive forces and relations in production, production, distribution, exchange and consumption, division of labor, money and its functions, the market and competition, economic cycles, capital, capital accumulation and turnover, salary and salary determination methods, commercial capital and commercial profit, loan capital, venture capital and dividends, rents, monopoly capital, et cetera.

Roman Law 6 ETCS

This subject covers: Meaning and content of Roman law; Sources of Roman State and Roman Law history; Founding of Rome; Founding of the Roman State; Internal struggles and external relations in the early days of the Republic; State regulation in the early days of the Republic; Sources of law in the first period; State regulation in times of the classic slave state; Economic and social relations at the time of the fall of the slave order; State regulation at the time of the Roman Dominate; Codification of Roman law; Personal rights (jus quod ad personas pertinent); Property rights (jus quod ad res pertinent); Obligations’ rights; Hereditary rights.

Legal Sociology 4 ETCS

Legal Sociology; Methods of study; Sociology general and specific, legal sciences and legal sociology; The social structure, Law and religion; Law and ideology; Law and culture; Legal institutions and the law; The state and the law; Technocracy and the law.

Political and Legal Thought 4 ETCS

The object and purpose of the subject: The main stages of political and legal thought; Understanding of democracy and forms of its manifestation; Understanding the concept of separation of powers and the principle of checks and balances; Parliamentarianism – meaning, historical development, challenges and prospects; Political parties as a premise of parliamentarianism; Types of Policy Review; Forms and rules of democracy; Advanced Law with national laws.

Year II

Administrative Law in the Administrative Procedure 10 ETCS

General Review of the history of the evolution of administrative law, Relations and differences of administrative law with other branches of law, Administrative bodies, Public services and relevant institutions, Organization of state power and public administration, Control of Administration, Public administration and citizens, Public administration and law, Automation of public administration, Meaning, importance and development of administrative procedure, Basic principles of administrative procedure, Participants in administrative procedures, Communication between bodies and parties in administrative procedure, Initiation of administrative proceedings and party claims, Burden of proof in administrative procedure; The decisions and conclusions of administrative procedure, Legal remedies in administrative procedure, meaning the enforcement in administrative procedure, Understanding administrative conflict in the formal and material sense.

Civil Law 10 ETCS

The subject (Civil Law – The General Part and Real Rights), taught in Year II, Semester III and IV, includes a contemporary address of principles of civil law that represent a basis for all other parts of civil law. Legal institutions, which are subject to civil law, generally will be treated pursuant to positive law of Kosovo and comparative civil law of the Continental and Common Law system. Lectures and seminars from this subject will be held once a Week for three Classes. This subject is a compulsory subject. Students are provided with theoretical and practical knowledge of civil law and real rights (property) matters. Whereas, the second part of the Civil Law which addresses real rights (ownership),includes a contemporary approach to property rights in general and property in particular, and other property rights related legal institutions.

Criminal Law 10 ETCS

Criminal Law (General Part), Science of criminal law, Methods and its relationship with other criminal sciences, Scope of Criminal Law, Interpretation of the Criminal Law, Extradition and asylum rights, Criminal offenses, Criminal liability, Stages of the offense, Criminal sanctions, Penalties, Juvenile Delinquency and their treatment in the criminal law, Purpose and types of criminal sanctions against minors, Definition, importance, object, content and the system of the special part of criminal law.

Criminology 5 ETCS

Understanding the science of Criminology; The methodology of criminality studies, Relations of Criminology with other sciences, Theories on criminality and history of criminology thought; Volume and structure of criminality, Organized criminality and basic features, Criminality and relevant types, Juvenile Delinquency; Understanding the role of criminogenic factors (criminal etiology); Criminality and forms of its manifestation, Internal (subjective) factors of criminality

Criminalistics 6 ETCS

General knowledge of criminalistics, Scientific basis for Forensic identification; Meaning, scientific bases and system of tactical criminalistics; Operational Measure Tactics; Initial methods of detection and investigation of criminal offenses; Tactics for the detection of the motive of the crime, Patrolling, surveillance, ambushes and raids; Tracking; Confrontation tactics; Psychological bases of questions; Simulation and its discovery; Crime Scene Examination Tactics; Forensic experiment; Forensic expertise; Methods of detection and clarification of smuggling and organized crime; Methods of detection of terrorism; Methods of solving murder cases;

Public Administration 4 ETCS

Subject of Public Administration, Definition of public administration (political, legal, managerial, professional aspects), Organization of Administration, Public Services (institutions), State administration in different countries with different systems, State administration in the Republic of Kosovo, Administration in Transition (Modernization of Public Administration), Administrative activity, Relations of administration bodies with other government bodies, Administrative tradition and bureaucracy, Human resource management

Comparative Law 4 ETCS

Introduction to comparative law and legal families; Goals, means and values of comparative law, the Common Law Tradition; Civil Law systems in Europe (especially the French and German systems); Sources of Law, Constitutional Law, Material Law, Procedural Law, Judicial Organization,

Family and Inheritance Law 6 ETCS

In this subject students will learn the concept and scope of family law in the national and international level; Legal resources to be applied to family and marital relations; Conditions to marriage and its form, when the spouses are citizens of the Republic of Kosovo, or when one of the spouses is a foreign citizen; Adoption and custody legitimacy in the national aspect and internationally.As part of the inheritance law, and a branch of the positive law of a state’s legal system, students acquire knowledge about: the transfer of inheritance from decedent to heir, in the national aspect as well as internationally. Legal grounds to invoke inheritance (law, last will and testament, and the contract of inheritance), legal sequence of inheritance, legal inheritance and legal heirs and obligations.

Contractual Law 5 ETCS

Subject Contract Law, The principle of freedom of contract, honesty and consciousness of the contracting parties, General and Special conditions, Special conditions for concluding the contract, Negotiations, The offer for entering into contract, the legal effects of the offer/bid, Classification of contracts, Rules for the interpretation of contracts, Prohibited Contracts, Termination of contracts, Rights of the injured party, Remedies Ensuring Contract Enforcement (earnest money deposit, bail, advance), Means of personal security, Effects of contracts, Responsibility for legal and material deficiencies of the item, Assurances for the condition and operation of items.

Local Governance 4 ETCS

The theoretical aspects of local self-governance, Origin and Development of Local Self-Government, Legal Basis of Local Self-Government in Kosovo after 1999, Legal Definition and the powers of municipalities, Municipal authorities, Municipal acts and municipal transparency, Municipal Finance, Relations between local and central level, Inter-municipal cooperation, Reform of local self-government.

Legal IT and statistics 4 ETCS

General concepts of IT, Microsoft Office (MS Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint), Outlook, Statistics Systems, Program formatting.

Year III

Law of Obligations 10 ETCS

Meaning and content of the law of obligations; Study methods, Sources of law on obligations, Effects of obligations, Meaning of damage, Civil Wrongdoing/Liability, Types of liability, Terms of Civil Wrongdoing/Liability, Un-explicable wealth, Notices, Letters of legitimacy, Meaning and characteristics of the contract.

Civil Procedure 10 ETCS

The subject and study of civil procedure, Types of court proceedings, Legal Resources, Contested procedure, Principles of contested procedure, Jurisdiction of the Courts, Composition of the Court and the exclusion of the judge from the trial, Parties and their representation in court, Procedural actions Provision of legal assistance, Time and place for conducting procedural actions, Procedural Presumptions, Suit and types of lawsuits, Merging of lawsuits and procedural subjects, Participation of a third party on trial, Development of contested procedure, Main hearing of legal matter, Evidentiary procedure and proving the case, Temporary Suspension of Proceedings, Completion of contested procedure, Legal Remedy Procedure, Special litigation procedures, Enforcement procedures, Security procedures, Extra-Judicial Proceedings.

Criminal Procedure 5 ETCS

In this subject students will study criminal procedure, subjects of criminal procedure, best practices and criminal procedural innovations in Europe and beyond. The following topics will be addressed: The subject of criminal proceedings; Basic historic types of criminal procedure and its historical development in Kosovo; The relation between criminal procedure law with other scientific disciplines; Sources of the criminal procedure law; Criminal Procedure Principles, Code of Criminal Procedure of Kosovo, Subjects of criminal proceedings; Criminal Procedure action; Evidentiary Process in criminal proceedings; In general the process of proving the case; Treatment of some evidence, stages of criminal proceedings; Court hearings and judgment; Legal Remedy Procedure; Short procedure, Proceedings against juveniles; Special procedures, Procedure for the application of measures for mandatory treatment, forfeiture and for the revocation of an alternative punishment.

Legal practice I 4 ETCS

Understanding the legal practice and its importance, Process of justice delivery, Subjects of law; Justice institutions, Organization of the judiciary, Organization of prosecution, Organization of other justice bodies, Legal procedures, Development of administrative procedures through practical cases, Compilation of documents from the administrative procedure, Compilation of administrative decisions, Compilation of legal remedies (appeals), Administrative conflict.

Labour Law 5 ETCS

Definition and scope of labor law, Review of general and fundamental issues, Relation between labor law and other legal disciplines, International Labour Organization (ILO), Rights and obligations of the labor inspectorate;

International Protection of Human Rights 4 ETCS

History and philosophy of human rights, Categories of human rights, UN system of human rights, European system of human rights, Other regional systems of human rights, EU and human rights, Human rights in Kosovo, History of human rights in Kosovo, UNMIK regulations and the Constitutional Framework, the Constitution and applicable laws. Practice, Human dignity, freedom and equality, History of the cause, Normative Regulation, Jurisprudence, Protection and violation of human rights during armed conflicts, Human Rights and Globalization, International Tribunal for War Crimes in Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia.

Legal Practice II 6 ETCS

Understanding the legal practice and its importance, Parties in criminal procedure, Parties in civil procedure, Development of criminal proceedings through mock trial, Development of civil procedure through mock trial, Drafting the indictment, Drafting the suit, Drafting a court decision, Administration of evidence during the procedure, Compilation of remedies (appeal) etc.

Penology 5 ETCS

Understanding Penology (science on the enforcement of criminal sanctions); The response to crime through history – Types of reaction to criminality, Meaning and types of criminal sanctions, Criminal sanctions under the new criminal legislation of Kosovo, Essential systems for the enforcement of prison sentences, Role of international organizations and associations for the development and perfection of the enforcement of criminal sanctions, Methods of group treatment with convicts, Enforcement of educational measures for juvenilesv.

Legislative Technique 4 ETCS

Notion of legislative drafting technique, The object of study, Study methods, Legal vacuum, Preliminary drafts, Final drafts of legal acts, Public debate on legislative amendments, International best practices in the field of legislative drafting technique.

Public International Law 6 4 ETCS

The subject and object of study, The creation and development of international law, The State as a subject of international law, Territory in international law, Bodies of international relations, International legal acts, international organizations, International Protection of Human Rights, International legal protection of the environment; Peaceful dispute resolution, Marshall Law.

Year IV

Finance Law 7 ETCS

The subject addresses the body of legal provisions regulating the legal financial relations established during the collection, allocation and spending of funds dedicated for comprehensive social needs. It also addresses social relations developed during financial activities of the state and other public legal institutions. The purpose of the subject is to familiarize students with public revenues, public spending, taxes, customs and other instruments for revenue collection and teach the legal provisions that regulate legal financial relations.

Arbitration 4ETCS

Notion of arbitration, The Object of the study subject, Study methods, Arbitration Law, International economic entities, International legal entities, International documents regulating this segment, Resolutions, Memoranda, Conventions, Protocols, etc.

Private International Law

The following subjects are offered for the purpose of increasing students’ competence: 1. Subjects in civil relations with foreign element; 2. Rights and obligations of foreign subjects for creating civil relations, private relations and economic relations in a foreign country; 3. The overall civil law for foreign nationals; Conflict of laws; Conflict of Jurisdictions.

European Law and European Law History 7 ETCS


Constitutional Judicial Review 4 ETCS

Constitutional control in retrospective, Judicial control under the Constitution of Weimar (1919), Judicial control according to the Constitution of Austria (1920), The three waves of the installation of constitutional courts after the end of World War II, Constitutional Supremacy, Principle of equality, Principle constitutionality, Criteria for selection (appointment) of constitutional judges, Types and purpose of constitutional control, Aspects of constitutional control procedure, constitutional interpretation techniques.

Stock Markets and Stock Market Commerce 4 ETCS

Stock Markets, Types of Stock Markets, Modes of operation, Circulation of commodities in the stock market, Circulation of securities in the stock market, Circulation of precious metals in the stock exchange, Circulation of money in the stock market; New York Stock Exchange and London Stock Exchange, Stock Exchanges as a barometer of the market.

Scientific Research Methodology 7 ETCS


Intellectual Property Law 6 ETCS

The notion of intellectual property, The object of study, Methods of research, Intellectual innovation, Creative Work, Inventions, Legal norms and intellectual capital, European legal framework on intellectual property, National Legal framework for the protection of intellectual property, Relevant institutions, Catalog of sanctions, Piracy, Preventing and combating piracy.

Business organizations 7 ETCS

Definition and types of business organizations, Individual business, General Parntership, Limited Partnership, Corporations (Joint Stock Company and Limited Liability Company), Liquidation and reorganization of legal persons in bankruptcy, Initiation of bankruptcy proceedings, The Trustee and board of creditors, Bankruptcy Assets, Administrative Powers, Liquidation, Closure of the Case, Agricultural Cooperatives.

Notary 4 ETCS

: Definition and understanding of the notary, Rights and obligations of notaries, Notary systems in Europe, Powers of notaries, Compulsory insurance of notary, Disciplinary sanctions against notaries, Applicable law, Areas of operation.

Forensic Medicine 4 ETCS

Medical Examiner Forensic Expertise, acts and types of forensic expertise, objects of medical forensic expertise, bodily injuries, forensic medical examination of remains of newborns, identification, qualification bodily injuries.

Civil Legal Liability 6 ETCS

Definition and purpose of civil legal liability, Types and importance of civil legal liability, Objective liability, Subjective liability, Objective-subjective liability, Criteria for the assessment of civil legal liability.