Fitness and Nutrition

Purpose and profile of the program

The Master’s Program in Fitness and Nutrition aims to prepare students to pursue a career in the field of fitness, wellness and nutrition according to the highest standards of customer service and professional ethics. The program prepares students to create long-term plans for improving a client’s fitness level through physical activity, diet and nutrition and provides guidance at each step until goals are achieved. This will prove to potential employers that they are well-prepared to serve individuals of all health levels and will provide preparation to deal with a variety of health-related issues.

AAB College, as the largest non-public institution in Kosovo, has a mission to provide diverse higher education programs for the labor market in Kosovo and beyond. AAB also aims to advance and disseminate knowledge to improve the well-being and health of the population, as well as to provide an environment that results in social movement. In this regard, the MA Fitness and Nutrition study program aims to fulfill the overall mission of AAB College by contributing to the entirety of the study programs offered. The mission of the Master’s Program in Fitness and Nutrition is to develop human resources to meet the needs of the population for health services. This program enables students to acquire the knowledge, skills and competencies related to the provision of the best quality fitness and nutrition services in order to meet the needs of the population in maintaining and improving health.

Learning outcomes

In general, upon completion of the MA program of studies in Fitness and Nutrition, students will acquire the following competences:

General competences:

-Good teamwork and communication skills;

-Flexible use of knowledge in practice;

-Knowledge of psychological development;

-General organizational skills;

-Knowledge of the ethics and codex of the professional field;

-Communication in foreign languages;

-Knowledge of first aid.


Specific competences of courses:

-Knowledge of health aspects of sport;

-Knowledge of the basic anatomical views of exercises;

-The ability to plan, organize, implement and control training in sports;

-Basic knowledge of the principles of nutrition in sports;

-Skills for planning, organizing, implementing and managing sports training;

-Training for work with modern technology in sports and exercise.


Whereas, upon completion of the MA Fitness and Nutrition program, students will be able to:


-describe the principles of health and wellness from a multidimensional and interdisciplinary perspective;

-think and act ethically in the context of health, nutrition and health;

-demonstrate a variety of communication strategies in health education with different categories;

-demonstrate skills in assessing the health components of physical fitness;

-conduct, implement and evaluate physical activity programs for apparently healthy individuals and individuals with specific medical conditions;

-explain the benefits of physical activity and nutrition for health and quality of life;

-interpret and apply nutritional science concepts to improve the health of individuals and communities;

-independently design effective research experiments and strategies by conducting a research project.

Academic level and degree

The MA Study Program in Fitness and Nutrition is a Master’s level (MA) program, namely level VII of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF).

Duration and volume

Studies in the MA Fitness and Nutrition Program last 1 year, 60 ECTS with a total of 2 semesters.

Each semester must fulfill the quota of 30 ECTS.

his study program has valid accreditation until 30.09.2024

Viti I

Semestri I
Anatomia e Njeriut 6 ECTS
Hartimi i Programit stërvitorë 6 ECTS
Testimi dhe Përshkrimi i Ushtrimeve 7 ECTS
Bazat e Nutricionit në Sport 6 ECTS
Përgatitja Fizike 5 ECTS
Teknologjia Informative në Sport (ICT) 5 ECTS
Semestri II
Metodologjia e Hulumtimit Shkencorë 5 ECTS
Praktika dhe Intershipi 5 ECTS
Lënda zgjedhore 5 ECTS
Psikologjia e Motivimit në Sport
Nutricioni për qëllime specifike
Teza e Masterit ( Projekti aplikativ hulutmues) 15 ECTS