The film,’’Absence’of students of AAB College Artan Avdiu and Shqiprim Selimi,won the‘’Essence Award’’at USA

25 April 2016

Artan Avdiu, student of the Faculty of Mass Communication, management Production at AAB, has won the “Essence Award” on film called “Absence” at “International Peace & Film Festival”, held in Orlando, Florida, United States States.

“The film was very well received by the professional jury, whereas for us it was a great victory that we were able to receive such an award from more than 1,300 films that were in competition from around the world,” said Artan Avdiu, who added that on “this festival from now on we will be part of it in the upcoming years, when we will be representing our state Kosovo and AAB College.”

Artan Avdiu together with Shqipërim Selimi, the authors of the film said that the film first was done only as project within the subject “Montage”, but after the positive reviews we received from the professor of the course Zijad Mehic and assistant Albin Xharra, we decided to attend in this international festival “international Peace & Film Festival”, where the film immediately was nominated in the category of “Student Short Film” and “Ambassador of Peace ‘”.

Professor Zijad Mehic says that this is a great success of students of AAB College on international competitions: “We are really happy about the successes of our students and the success of their need to make a larger space promoting not only AAB’s outcome, but Kosovo’s as well “.

The film “Absence” is a short feature film, dealing with the water lack and the importance to human life. Directing screenplay and film editing is performed by Avdi and Shqipërim Artan Selimi, director of photography Adil Beqa, while actors are Festim Sokol and Edison Hoxha.

Artan Avdiu for seven days has stayed in Orlando, Florida, where all the costs of travel and accommodation were covered by the Municipality of Shtime.
