International Poetry Day is marked with a special discussion panel at AAB College

21 March 2024
International Poetry Day is marked with a special discussion panel at AAB College

The Faculty of Social Sciences, on the occasion of International Poetry Day, has organized a conversation with poets about the art of poetry and the book, in the Chamber Theater of AAB College.

The two well-known poets and professors Agim Vinca and Bujar Tafa spoke to the students about the importance of poetry and its cultivation.

“Art softens the soul and beautifies life, so poetry is difficult to define, but I say that poetry is a synthesis of feeling, thought and beautiful expression, so I think that this is one of the possible definitions of poetic art”, Vinca said among others.

Professor and poet Bujar Tafa spoke about the importance of reading poetry and the impact it has on students and young people.

“Reading poetry by young people has a great impact on emotional, intellectual and creative development. Then it also develops communication skills, promotes empathy and has an impact on the enrichment of feelings, and for this reason society should create policies to increase reading”, said Tafa.

The poet Lulzim Tafa also spoke about his great contribution to poetry, who was recently awarded the highest title “Officer of the National Order of Letters and Arts” by the French ambassador to Kosovo.

He said that he grew up with poetry and continues to live with it, thanking Professor Agim Vinca for the great influence he had on his creativity. While he described the title received by the French Embassy in Kosovo as the greatest honor for literature and for him personally.

At the end, the poets Agim Vinca, Bujar Tafa and Elizabeta Qarri recited some poems accompanied by piano sounds performed by Artemida Qarri.
