“Prishtina International Theater Festival – PITF 2018” is coming with its second edition

26 November 2018

“If we cannot see the world, let the world speak of us”

This is the message that the only International Theater Festival “Prishtina International Theater Festival”, organized by AAB Theater “Faruk Begolli”, aims to convey through its second edition, which is happening from 29th of November to 6th of December 2018, in the premises of AAB College.

A completely self-sustaining initiative, with very modest support from the partners of AAB Theater Faruk Begolli, in its first edition held in October 2017, PITF brought top actors and art troops in Kosovo from Iran, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo.

Aspiring to turn PITF into a brand of Kosovo, the second edition of this festival aims to be spoken of everywhere, so “if we cannot see the world, let the world speak of us.”

PITF’s goal is to bring us closer to the world, to promote our values and above all to enable the Kosovar audience to be introduced to contemporary trends in the field of art, at this time when we still remain isolated.

In the second edition, starting from Thursday, 29th November 2018, 7 theater plays coming from Italy, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo, will be presented in the competition program of PITF 2018.

The play “Frog”, a production of AAB Theater “Faruk Begolli”, will be premiered on the last night of the festival, on the 6th of December, as a guest show out of the competition program.

In addition to the festival’s competition program, in each night of the festival, there will be an after-party at the AAB College, where the visitors, artistic community and students will be able to have fun and socialize with each other, in the atmosphere created by the best bands and singers.

‘’Prishtina International Theater Festival’’ is a good opportunity to see and enjoy beautiful things happening in Kosovo as well. Therefore, do not miss it! Come and attend PITF 2018, in AAB College in Prishtina.

Festival tickets are already on sale in AAB College, and very soon you can find them at the most frequented spots in Prishtina.

Tickets can be bought in AAB College Prishtina, Dit’ e Nat’ and MIQT Pub.



