Representatives of AAB College meet with the academic staff of the University of Sarajevo

17 November 2023
Representatives of the AAB College meet with the academic staff of the University of Sarajevo

The vice-rector for International Relations at AAB College Venera Llunji accompanied by the dean of the Faculty of Public Administration Vrullim Buja, the coordinator Albulena Brestovci, professors Xhemzaie Ibraimi and Bashkim Rrrahmani have held a meeting with the academic staff of the University of Sarajevo.

The dean of the Faculty of Public Administration from the University of Sarajevo Emir Tahirović, the expert for the development of projects within the Council for Regional Cooperation Admir Vranić and professor Desiq participated in this meeting.

The meeting was organized through the Zoom platform where cooperation, challenges and projects in the Western Balkans were discussed between the faculties of Public Administration. The purpose of this meeting was to plan the development of a joint project within these faculties within the international projects of the European Union.

The next meeting will be held during the first week of December where the first steps of the description of the project determined by all participating parties will begin.
