The faculty of social sciences begins cooperation agreement with the coordinators of the project for education APPEAR

28 December 2021

The staff of the Faculty of Social Sciences of AAB College, headed by the coordinator of the project APPEAR, Prof. Arif Shala, held their first virtual meeting, an introduction with the leaders of this project Prof. Filiz Keser Aschenberger and Prof. Monika Kil.

The AAB College project, in partnership with Danube Universty Krems Austria, has been selected for the APPEAR (Austrian Partnership Program in Higher Education and Research for Development) which is funded by the Austrian Development Agency.

The project aims to improve the quality of preschool education in Kosovo by making it more qualitative, cohesive, and inclusive.

During the project, a lifelong Learning Center will also be established, which will be a community center that will provide services to educators in Kosovo and will focus on empirical research to improve the preschool education system in the country.
