Promoted “Criminological Terminology” dictionary, the authors prof. Dr. Nedzad Korajlic, Dr. Sc and Dr. Driton Muharram. Sc. Xhemajl Ademaj while reviewers prof. Dr. Ragip Halili, prof. Dr. Fejzullah Hasani and prof. Dr. Lulzim Tafa. The dictionary has 520 pages, elaborated in 6645 notions and terms. Publication of vocabulary is supported by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo.
On the launch case, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, Nehat Mustafa, said that the Ministry of Internal Affairs gladly accepted the request of three authors to support this important vocabulary, because we believe that our institutions have had a need of having such criminal scientific dictionary, the more so that this work is being done by an international collaboration, which in addition to authors from Kosovo have also an author of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
While Rector of AAB College, prof. dr. Lulzim Tafa said that is a separate glossary of scientific importance, not only because it is the first and the only dictionary in Albania, but also because it contains high scientific values.
But the authors of the dictionary said that from the publication of this dictionary will benefit the agencies of law enforcement in Kosovo, where in detailed form specified all terminology cases and criminal acts, when by this work criminal terminologies are identified and designated.
It is worth noting that two of the authors of this dictionary are teachers at AAB College, Prof. dr. Nedzad Korajlic and dr. Sc. Driton Muharram.