AAB College starts intensive nursing training with coach hailing from Germany, Valdete Visoka

5 March 2019

Nursing students at AAB College, as part of the Career and Employment Program, which is developed and signed by German employers, today have started an intensive training on nursing.

The training will last for three consecutive weeks and will be held in the nursing laboratories of AAB College. Taking part in this training will be students who have already signed employment contracts with German employers. 

The training is being held by coach Valdete Visoka who will share her many years of experience in Germany with the students of AAB College. After evaluating the students of the Faculty of Nursing, Mrs. Visoka said that the purpose of this training is to prepare the students for their daily work routine and communication in German.

“What impressed me at first was the work experiences these students have had and how many of them spoke German well. These two factors are very important for the students in order for them to be ready to work in German speaking places. “said Visoka. 




