10 December 2020

The University of Ljubljana announces the launch of the MSCA COFUND “EUTOPIA SCIENCE AND INNOVATION FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM” (EUTOPIA-SIF), supported by the European Union and the partner institutions of the EUTOPIA University Alliance (Vrije University of Brussels, University of Gothenburg, CY Cergy, University of Paris, CY Cergy University of Ljubljana, Pompeu Fabra University and the University of Warwick). The EUTOPIA-SIF program is coordinated by CY Cergy Paris Université.

EUTOPIA-SIF will co-finance 76 post-doctoral scholarships over 4 years, through the European Union research and innovation program Horizon 2020, for a total budget of €10.2 million, of which €5.6 million are funded by the European Union and €4.6 million from partner universities. The University of Ljubljana will recruit 2 candidates per call, for a total of 8.

The first call for applications for the recruitment of 20 post-doctoral students from EUTOPIA universities started on October 19. The deadline for application is January 11, 2021, 13:00. Successful candidates will start in September 2021.

For more information, please visit the official call website: EUTOPIA-SIF

If you are interested in applying as a host institution, you can contact the local program manager Rebeka Lesjak via email: [email protected]
