
13 December 2016

This number of the Thesis journal, edited by AAB with an ISSN and an International Board, contains articles from various study fields, such as:  education, architecture, international relations, etc.

The journal opens with an article by Xhavit Rexhaj, “Constructivist approaches and strategies for improvement of the listening skills in students”, dealing with activities for improvement of listening skills in the course of English language in schools. It includes also results from a wider research carried out in 30 Kosovo schools. 

Next, the author Arta Jonuzi – Cana brings a study into the traditional architecture based on utilization of wooden materials, which in itself presents a treasure of the Kosovo cultural heritage. The study addresses the typology of edifices from the perspective of traditional construction systems by interpreting their architectonic values and comparing them to modern structures.

Further, authors Blerta Prevalla and Altin Shala, come with an article dealing with the importance of understanding of the Albanian language used when working with multi-media applications Skype and Viber, as well as with the necessity to consolidate understanding and communication in this field.

In the area of international relations, this volume brings two authors: Mentor Lecaj and Mersel Bilali. The first one deals with the impact of North Korean and Iranian nuclear programmes on the strategies of the global super-powers. The second author, Bilali, brings insights into the possibilities of Albanian to influence the construction of the TAP gas line and the modalities for Kosovo top benefit from this Project.

The journal closes with an epistemological treatise by author Hajdin Abazi, who deals with the views of Gorgias in the Socrates’s philosophical viewpoints.

Masar Stavileci
Editor in Chief
