EU “ministers”, against visa liberalization for Kosovo

6 June 2017

At AAB College is continuing the second day of the International Student Conference “Model European Union Kosova 2017”.

On this occasion, at the EU Council of Ministers simulation session, after a long debate, was voted against Visa Liberalization for Kosovo. With 17 votes in favor (or 33% of the population), 4 against and 7 abstentions, the Visa Liberalization Resolution for Kosovo did not pass.

In today’s simulation session, the EU Council of Ministers debated two draft resolutions, namely Visa Liberalization and Resolution on Combating Organized Crime and Terrorism in Europe.

Today’s simulation conference is organized by the CHAT Institute in collaboration with BETA e.V. And in partnership with AAB College. About 150 students attended this event, of which about 100 were international.

The European Union model, also known as the MEU, is an international simulation conference of the United Nations Legislative Process, which aims to connect young people from all over Europe to learn about the EU’s internal functioning and Its legislative procedures.


