EU representatives, for students of AAB College, held an informative lecture about free movement in Schengen countries

8 May 2017

A delegation of the European Union (EU), led by the former Dutch ambassador to Kosovo, Robert Bosch, , Peter Schreiner,excpert for  Migration Issues  at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Austria, Timo Langemeijer, Resident Issues Advisor, and Valon Krasniqi, Director of the Department of Citizenship, Exile and Asylum at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kosovo , for two days in front of the students of AAB College,Ferizaj and Gjakova  branches, within the frame of the European Union project “Strengthening of Kosovo Institutions in Effective Migration Management”, held an informative lecture about free movement In the Schengen area.

During this lecture, students were informed about their free movement in the European states, the risks of movement and illegal departure, the advantages of visa-free travel, as far as free visa-free travel for Kosovo citizens in the Schengen area will become possible.

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