Public Administration

Aim and program profile

This department (module) offers to the students of Public administration profiling in the field of political sciences and diplomacy relying on the highest international education standards. The module helps the students to build high professional capacities and ethical, analytic values and specific skills in accordance to the aim of this study program. This program aims to establish a political scientist and a diplomatist by attracting those who have bent in the field of political sciences and diplomacy. This module also aims a greater depth of knowledge in the field of political sciences and diplomacy, by emphasizing the academic dimension by offering the basic knowledge for a further academic career in the field of political sciences and diplomacy, also for a professional training of a political scientist and diplomatist.

Expected learning outcomes

Achievement: After finishing the program the student will be able to : – Apply essential political and diplomatic skills – Apply several ways of governing, internal and external policies, also several other political-administrative institutions. – To implement international political standards and to carry them forward to the local policies – To recognize and understand the politic and diplomatic global system and functioning – To work effectively individually and in team work – To communicate effectively and to have a critical reflection in the field of broad discipline.

Academic level and degree

After graduating Bsc. ( Bachelor of Science) in this department the student will get the degree Bachelor of Public Administration –Department: Political sciences and Diplomacy.

Duration of studies and workload

Duration and volume (semesters, ECTS, classes per semester). Studies last for 3 years with a total of 6 semesters, with a total number of 180 ECTS credit points.

Year I

Research methods and techniques in Public Administration 6 ETCS

Public administration field is inter-disciplinary in the sense that I touches upon a number of issues and research areas. Despite the broad coverage, the basics of concepts, processes and epistemology included in the completion of research and analyses do not vary between public administration and other areas of social science. Thus, the course will be focused on formulating questions, selecting analytical methods, development of conclusions and recommendations to understand and use respective research methodology in public administration.

Public administration management 7 ETCS

Management of Public Administration includes knowledge from the field of management: understanding management, notions and principles of public administration, including the role and relevance of public administration in society. Furthermore, the course aims to clarify the functional hierarchy within the public administration as well as efficient management in the public sector. The course provides information related to the relevance and relationship of public administration and state power.

Introduction to public administration 7 ETCS

Students will be able to develop better knowledge on relation between the three branches of governance: executive, legislative and judiciary and how they function in a democratic society. Main aspects that will be discussed during the semester include: organizational theories, difference between public and private organizations, process of public policies, and decision-making process in the public sector and also a comparative analysis of various political and administrative structures.

Foreign language 6 ETCS

English Language is one of the most important courses that are taught for several semesters in this bachelor programme, which teaches them language skills. Globalization process and integration processes in Europe and wider today require, in addition to professional development, a high level of English language mastery and in general a high language culture. Multi-dimensional international cooperation is a global routine today, where English language has a dominant role.

Introduction to economy/Public Relations 6 ETCS

The course covers the basic theory and economic institutions. The course is divided into two broad segments: micro-economy and macro-economy. Micro-economy analyses interactions of individual (family) consumers in specific markets. Macro-economy, on the other hand, is focused at the state level, by reviewing definition of relevant state variables, such as the level and rate of growth of domestic gross product, inflation rate, unemployment rate, as well as flux of exports and imports and trade balance.

Constitutional law 6 ETCS

The constitutional law studies social, political and legal role of a state, division of state power, analysis of basic individual rights and freedoms. It also studies that relation of powers in a democracy (legislative, executive and judiciary), with special emphasis on main state institutions and principles of their building.

Administrative law I 7 ETCS

Administrative Law I, provides basic knowledge as a science and as a branch of legal system. In broader sense it is defined as an entirety of legal norms which include the regulation of position and functioning of administration bodies in general, irrespective of specific features of various state administration institutions; relations of administration bodies with other state institutions; administrative affairs; administrative organizations, etc.

Value and ethics in public administration 7 ETCS


Psychology/Office activity 4 ETCS

This course studies internal psychic phenomena of people; intellectual processes; emotional processes, where feelings of people are taken into consideration; motivation processes, that deals with motivation of people in reaching certain objectives; understanding of cognitive processes that play an important role during the daily life.

Year II

Administrative Law 2 7 ETCS

The course Administrative Law II provides general theoretical and practical knowledge for administration, its functioning on one side and as a state activity and as a service activity on the other; administrative acts, relations between citizens and state administration; control over administration, local self-government; organization of administrative bodies in several world countries and organization of administration in the Republic of Kosovo.

Public policy and administration 7 ETCS

The course will address a number of issues that have to do with public policies starting from how politics and policies interact; what are values and ideologies that animate debates on public policies; what is the strength and weakness of markets, governments and communities as problem solvers of the society; what are main characteristics of the decision-making process; how did the process change historically;

Financial law 6 ETCS

The course covers entire legal provisions, which regulate legal-financial relations, that is created during collection, allocation and spending of financial resources that are used to meet the needs of the society. The course also studies social relations that take place during the financial activity of the state and other legal-public institutions.

Information preservation and management 6 ETCS

The course will equip students with knowledge on information, understanding, preservation, protection, classification, declassification and agencies for security of classified information as well as preparation for applying this knowledge in their contexts, etc.

European law/Peaceful conflict resolution 4 ETCS

The course includes basic knowledge of rights within the European Union and Council of Europe; the complex institutional structure of the European Union and European Community; knowledge from the field of human rights, focusing on European system of human rights. Also, the course will include knowledge of human rights in Kosovo as per its applicable law.

Administrative procedure 7 ETCS

The study of the course ‘Administrative Procedure’ includes three special areas: administrative procedures, administrative conflict and offences. These three areas constitute the core object of study of the so-called formal (procedural) part of the administrative law. The first area includes: relevance, development and principles of administrative procedure. Administrative conflict and administrative offence include attacking decisions of bodies of administration and pronouncing sentences through judicial institutions.

Public-private partnership 7 ETCS

The content starts with a typology of public-private partnerships. Through studies of different types of these partnerships, the course aims to highlight strategies of private companies and public agents. The course has to do with exploration of the current use of public-private partnerships globally. Public-private partnership is a way of funding through which a public authority invites a private company to fund and manage equipment that contributes to the public service. The private company participates in funding and gets the right of concession for the funded service, etc.

Labour law 6 ETCS

The course covers relevant doctrinarian and legislative developments that have occurred in the field of labour legal relations. Special attention is paid to issues related to labour market, individual contracts, protection at work, legal responsibilities that derives from jobs, salaries, changing and terminating jobs, non-discrimination at work, collective contract and conflict resolution at work.

Informatics in public administration 6 ETCS

This course covers basic knowledge for using information technology in the public administration. Knowledge from the field of information technology is ever increasing relevant in social life. The current development trend cannot be thought of without knowledge in this field. The objective of reformation of the Public Administration, especially its digitalization as a future goal cannot be thought of without adequate education and training in this field.

Security bases in Public Administration / Technical legislative 4 ETCS

The course “Safety in public administration” covers international organizations, specifically the United Nations and its role on international security, NATO and its role in the security area; European Integrations and its relevance for security; then negative phenomena that affect the field of security, such as organized crime, terrorism, corruption, etc.

Year III

Academic writing 6 ETCS

The course discusses techniques of writing professional papers from inception to completion phases; defining certain topics, collection of relevant materials and their analysis up to final write-up of a paper. Furthermore, the structure of the paper, style and terminology, paraphrases and citations, formation and logic connection of paragraphs, formulating hypotheses and argumentation and drawing of conclusions will be discussed.

Introduction to political science 7 ETCS

The course elaborates core concepts such as: politics, power, authority, legitimacy, state, sovereignty, nation, political regimes, political institutions, political parties, democracy, political culture, interest, civil society, political ideas and political ideologies.

Basics of diplomacy 7 ETCS

The course covers basic concepts of foreign policy, theories of diplomacy and international relations. Also, it will cover ways to draft foreign policy, knowledge on the ministry of foreign affairs, including its structure and activities.

Consular law 6 ETCS

This course provides basic knowledge in the field of consular law as part of the international law, in particular, knowledge on consular missions, establishment and deployment of consular missions in the admission state, their functioning and implementation of laws and regulation of the sending state in internal organization of the consular offices, as well as in protection of state interests of the sending state in the admission state.

Kosovo’s political system / EU institutions and policies 4 ETCS

European Integration process is one of the most important global developments after the Second World War. The course aims to cover most important elements of the process by focusing on different phases of its development. The course will be focused on EU institutions, their establishment, development perspectives and main changes. The EU policies and in particular the one on enlargement will be discussed. All these topics will be covered within the framework of changes that feed into current European Union, either in the institutional aspect or in definition of joint policies.

Political parties and electoral systems 7 ETCS

Issues that are addressed in this course, among else, include: historic-political context of Kosovo issue and state-building processes in Kosovo; establishment and operation of institutions of international administration and institutions of local self-government in the transition period 1999-2008; organization and functioning in practice of the legislative, executive and judiciary.

International public law 7 ETCS


International organizations 6 ETCS

This course of study includes: theories of international organizations, United Nations (main bodies, peacekeeping missions as well as specialized agencies), political/military organizations and regional organization. This course is also focused on issues of global governance in the international system; on how international organizations are used at various levels of governance in international system to solve international problems; cooperation problems in the international system and how institutions are projected and built to overcome this problem.

Basics of protocol 7 ETCS

Basics of protocol will include knowledge on the level of political organization, nature of the organization, and the quality of political culture of a society. Through the protocol, an environment and framework for politics is created. Protocol is a reflexive effect of political organization of a society. While best ways of conduct, in everyday contacts with different people, must be constant, protocol is a direction of these rules that describes the best manners in official life and protocol ceremonies.

Local governance/Media and politics 4 ETCS

The course covers the law on local self-government which is guaranteed and is regulated with the constitution and law. In addition, the activities of institutions of local government will be elaborated based on the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Kosovo. European Charter on Local Self-Government will be discussed in particular, focusing on principles of good governance, transparency, efficiency and effectiveness in provision of public services, by paying special attention to specific needs and concerns of communities that are not a majority as well as their members. Also, competences of the municipality as a core unit of local government will be explained.