29 May 2018

Thousands of high school graduates from all municipalities of Kosovo used the opportunity provided by AAB College to attend the Preparatory School for the Matura Test 2018, which lasted for two weeks.

In addition to the preparatory courses for the Matura exam, which were offered free of charge, the high school graduates had the opportunity to be part of a series of activities organized for them at AAB College.

They also had the opportunity to meet with current AAB students, from whom they learned about their experiences as students in the various programs offered by this college.

The high school graduates also had meetings with the academic and administrative staff, where they were informed in detail about the programs and opportunities offered by AAB College.

High school graduates from all over Kosovo who attended the courses of the Preparatory School for the Matura Test at AAB College were impressed with what the college had to offer once they visited the theater, classrooms, laboratories, library, gym, and many other facilities. 

Arian Dervishi, high school graduate:

My impression after the visit to AAB College has been quite positive. I have seen incredible facilities and cleanliness and I am extremely pleased. I am now graduating from medical high school and I want to continue my studies in this field. I was informed that at AAB College I will have many opportunities to study in one of the programs of the Faculty of Medical Sciences.

Blerina Berisha, high school graduate:

I felt very welcome here. I like the facilities as well as the professors and staff. It is a college that offers the best studying conditions for high school graduates like us.

Sadete Dragaj, high school graduate:

I have visited AAB College before, and I want to continue my studies here. In addition to the wonderful facilities, the staff and professors have made us feel very welcome and this motivates us even more to succeed during our studies.

Besmir Bekaj, high school graduate:

From the first moment you enter the building of AAB College, you see stunning views, with a perfect infrastructure and arrangement. The facilities here are breathtaking, especially for us high school graduates and future students. I believe that in the near future I will be part of this college.

Ardit Dervishi, high school graduate:

I had heard that AAB College was one of the best colleges in the region for high school graduates like us. After my visit here, I have no doubt that this college is the best. In addition to the study halls and the facilities, I also visited the AAB library. This library was very rich in books and had a lot of space for students. Also, the College itself is massive, possessing all the requirements for students to excel in their studies.

Erblina Sekiraqa, high school graduate: 

This visit to AAB College was a very good and appropriate experience for this time. During this preparatory course for the Matura exam, the professors explained all the lessons very clearly and this left us space to understand all the exercises very well. AAB College gave me very good first impressions, so I recommend to all graduates to come and study here.

Arianit Peci, high school graduate:

Just from the entrance, I got the impression of a serious college, a very pleasant space; the classrooms were incredible, as well as the staff, whom I thank very much for the welcome they have given us. This is not the first time I have visited this college. I say convincingly that AAB College is a leader in the field of education, and I hope to be part of it in the future.
