The International Scientific Conference “Economic Sustainability of Balkan Countries and Integration Challenges” started its works at AAB College

6 June 2017

The International Scientific Conference “Economic Sustainability of the Balkan Countries and Integration Challenges”, organized by the Faculty of Economics of the AAB College, in cooperation with Aleksander Moisiu University, Durrës (UAMD), Kosovo Chamber of Commerce and Institute Research and Development-Ulqin.

At this conference, attended over 70 scholars, professors, and experts from the country and the region.

At the opening of this conference, the Vice-Rector prof. dr. ShemsedinVehapi said that the topic of the conference is in full compliance with the academic development concepts promoted by AAB College, not only in the economics program but in all the study programs offered at our institution.

Whereas, the professor from the University “AleksandërMoisiu”, ErvinMyftaraj, in his speech said that he wants to return to a tradition that would serve as the first step in concretizing the cooperation between our two educational institutions.

The conference was also welcomed by MEF Deputy Minister AgimKrasniqi, team leader for the project “Supporting Kosovo Integration in the EU”, within GIZ, MareikeMeyn, MrikaMacula, Executive Director of the Association of Regional Development Agencies ( ARDA), NaimIsmajli, President of the Association of Kosovo Municipalities, Dean of the Faculty of Economics of AAB College, ShaipBytyci.

Conference proceedings are being held in four separate sessions such as: Marketing Management and Market Implementation Policies, Investments and Challenges of Economic Development, SME Challenges in Economic Development, Tourism, Demographic Processes, and Agricultural Growth in Creating GDP .

The works of this conference will continue during all day at AAB College in Prishtina.
